Add Value To Your Backyard Landscape With These Moderate-To-Easy Pallet Projects.
#1. Outdoor Pallet Signs
This is one of the easiest ideas I’ll be mentioning in this post. I love pallet garden signs because you can really customize and put your own touch on them. Garden signs can be made with any kind of recycled wood or you can distress new wood to make it look distressed. Old fence pickets also work.
Pallet garden signs have a nice rustic homemade look, think of them just like almost having a “ship-lap” focal wall but a smaller version outdoors when placed on a patio wall or the side of a garage that faces the backyard. They can be personalized in many different ways:
- Funny garden quotes or memes
- Something simple such as your family name
- Painted animals or your children’s favorite cartoon characters
- Letter stencils can be found at your local craft stores
#2. Patio pallet bar
#3. Garden or Patio Shelves For Plants
#4. Pallet Sofa
#5. Garden Bench Seats
#6. Pallet Planter Boxes
#7. Patio Coffee Table
#8. Pallet Fort And Teepee
Updated Bonus Ideas:
#9: D.I.Y. Forklift Pallet Poolside Storage And Swim-up Pallet Bar
Create more entertainment possibilities and storage for those towels and pool toys using reclaimed pallets.
Where To Locate Free Pallets
I’ve tried a few pallet projects and never had to pay for one yet. One of the best things you can do is just keep your eyes (and ears) open. Often you can find them for free just for the asking.
2 of the pallets I found came from Home Depot and Lowes. They have lots of bagged soil and mulch that come in on pallets. I saw some empty ones laying on the ground in the back of the garden center where they keep soil, mulch, and stone and asked the manager if I could have them. If you just ask for one or two at a time while buying something at their store they usually will say yes.
My other 2 pallets were found just by asking my friends and family members. I was pleasantly surprised to find out they had a delivery of grass sod and landscape stones that were delivered on pallets laying around and I would have never known if I didn’t ask.
More options include looking on Craigslist and Facebook yard sale groups. Join one of these local groups and post “ISO free pallets”. Small business owners and home owners are always trying to get rid of forklift pallets they don’t need.
Want More Ideas?
Visit our D.I.Y. pallet ideas board on Pinterest, it’s full of great ideas for the landscape and patio!
Coming Soon
I’m working on an easy to build D.I.Y. potting bench made from just 1 pallet. I’ll post the article as a how-to as soon as I get it painted or stained… check for it on the blog page soon.

Helpful Links:
More pallet garden sign ideas and inspiration